The partnership agreement
Cybersecurity has been identified as a key issue for national sovereignty, economic development, research and training.
Numerous economic players and territories, often with the help of governments, have organised themselves to ensure they have the resources they need to position themselves at the best international level in this field.
Faced with the upcoming competition, the DGA, the Brittany Region, the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and 12 public higher education and research institutions in Brittany with expertise in cybersecurity have set up a cybersecurity research cluster, the CREACH LABS (Cybersecurity Research Labs), by signing a partnership agreement in 2014.
This partnership aims to support and develop academic research in cybersecurity in Brittany and bring it to the forefront of European research.
Organizational governance
The Steering Committee has 16 members (15 representatives of the partner institutions and 1 representative of Pôle d'excellence cyber) and meets at least once a year.
The Steering Committee is in charge of the proper functioning of CREACH LABS and assumes three main functions :
- Framing:
- defining the scope of CREACH LABS' collaborative activities and implementing them
- Supervision:
- Monitoring CREACH LABS' scientific and financial performance, including the reviewing activity reports
- Defining key performance indicators to measure collaboration impact between the signatory partners
- Ensuring efficient use of resources allocated by funding organizations for LABELED PROJECTS
- Strategic Steering providing strategic guidance through:
- Discussing scientific orientations with PARTIES
- Informally exchanging on recruitment strategies
- Framing:
The Scientific Board is composed of equal numbers of representatives from each partner laboratory whose trustees are signatory members of the partnership agreement, and representatives from the DGA.
The Scientific Board sets the scientific priorities for CREACH LABS, which are a key criterion for selecting and labeling scientific projects funded through CREACH LABS' calls.
In this capacity, it ensures the relevance and scientific quality of CREACH LABS' activities.
The Scientific Board reviews and provides feedback on CREACH LABS' annual scientific and financial report, as well as its annual program of activities, which are presented to the Steering Committee.
The Executive Board is composed of three members appointed for the duration of the partnership agreement
The Executive Board implements the decisions of the Steering Committee and the scientific advisory board.
Its main actions:
- secures funding for approved scientific projects;
- oversees the implementation of labeled projects;
- organises meetings of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Advisory Board.
Our actions
CREACH LABS engages in collaborative initiatives on cybersecurity topics, with the objective of:
- pursuing joint research and development projects that align with the common interests of all partner organizations;
- conducting research work within PhD programs;
- funding postdoctoral research projects;
- seconding DGA personnel to a partner research laboratory;
- organizing joint research seminars, including thematic semesters and conferences.