511 results
Soutenance de thèse: Conception de courbes elliptiques et applications
Speaker : Rémi Clarisse - Rennes
Le thème de la sécurité de l’information est prédominant dans nos vies actuelles. En particulier, les utilisateurs de service, plus précisément en ligne, s’attendent de plus en plus à ce que leurs données à caractère personnel soient traitées dignement et avec leur consentement. Cela incite donc à concevoir des systèmes se pliant à de telles exigences. Le recours à la cryptographie permet de[…] -
Soutenance de thèse: Autour de la sécurité des messageries instantanées: des solutions pour des applications multi-appareils et les communications de groupe.
Speaker : Céline Duguey - DGA-Rennes
Les applications de messagerie instantanée sécurisée, telles WhatsApp ou Signal, sont devenues incontournables pour nos communications quotidiennes.<br/> Elles apportent une sécurité caractérisée notamment par le chiffrement de bout en bout, la confidentialité persistante ou encore la sécurité après compromission. Mais ces propriétés sont généralement limitées aux communications deux à deux.[…] -
Soutenance de thèse: Study and design of new encryption primitives based on rank metric error correcting codes
Speaker : Ba Duc Pham - Rennes
In 2005, Faure and Loidreau proposed a new rank-metric cryptosystem inspired from the Hamming metric scheme of Augot-Finiasz in 2003. In 2018, it was broken by the attack of Gaborit, Otmani and Kalachi. Recently, there are some attempts of repairing the Faure-Loidreau scheme, for example the work of Renner, Puchinger and Wachter–Zeh which is called LIGA. In this thesis, we also introduce a new[…] -
PARASITE: PAssword Recovery Attack against Srp Implementations in ThE wild
Speaker : Daniel De Almeida Braga - Université Rennes 1
Protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two users sharing only a short, low-entropy password to establish a secure session with a cryptographically strong key. The challenge in designing such protocols is that they must resist offline dictionary attacks in which an attacker exhaustively enumerates the dictionary of likely passwords in an attempt to match the used[…] -
Quantum cryptanalysis of block ciphers: beyond quadratic speedups
Speaker : André Schrottenloher - CWI
The security of modern cryptosystems relies on computational assumptions, which may be challenged by the advent of large-scale quantum computing devices.<br/> While Shor's algorithm is known to break today's most popular public-key schemes, secret-key cryptosystems are generally expected to retain half of their pre-quantum bits of security. However, the precise advantage of quantum[…] -
A Concrete Treatment of Efficient Continuous Group Key Agreement via Multi-Recipient PKEs
Speaker : Thomas Prest - PQShield
Continuous group key agreements (CGKAs) are a class of protocols that can provide strong security guarantees to secure group messaging protocols such as Signal and MLS. Protection against device compromise is provided by commit messages: at a regular rate, each group member may refresh their key material by uploading a commit message, which is then downloaded and processed by all the other members[…]