58 results
From Deciding Knowledge to Intrusion Detection
Speaker : Yannick Chevalier - Université de Toulouse
By interpreting terms as distributions over strings, Abadi and Rogaway proved under suitable assumptions that indistinguishability in the computational setting, accepted as the impossibility for an observer to acquire knowledge from observing a protocol execution, is equivalent to formal equivalence in a symbolic setting. This result led to multiple results on “deciding knowledge” using static[…]-
Intrusion detection
Differentially Private Linear Sketches: Efficient Implementations and Applications
Speaker : Fuheng Zhao (University of California Santa Barbara)
Linear sketches have been widely adopted to process fast data streams, and they can be used to accurately answer frequency estimation, approximate top K items, and summarize data distributions. When data are sensitive, it is desirable to provide privacy guarantees for linear sketches to preserve private information while delivering useful results with theoretical bounds. To address these[…] -
Where ML Security Is Broken and How to Fix It
Speaker : Maura Pintor (PRA Lab, University of Cagliari)
To understand the sensitivity under attacks and to develop defense mechanisms, machine-learning model designers craft worst-case adversarial perturbations with gradient-descent optimization algorithms against the model under evaluation. However, many of the proposed defenses have been shown to provide a false sense of robustness due to failures of the attacks, rather than actual improvements in[…] -
DroidGuard: A Deep Dive into SafetyNet
Speaker : Romain Thomas (Quarkslab)
SafetyNet is the Android component developed by Google to verify the devices’ integrity. These checks are used by the developers to prevent running applications on devices that would not meet security requirements but it is also used by Google to prevent bots, fraud and abuse.In 2017, Collin Mulliner & John Kozyrakis made one of the first public presentations about SafetyNet and a glimpse into the[…] -
Not so AdHoc testing: formal methods in the standardization of the EDHOC protocol
Speaker : Charlie Jacomme (Inria Paris)
We believe that formal methods in security should be leveraged in all the standardisation’s of security protocols in order to strengthen their guarantees. To be effective, such analyses should be:* maintainable: the security analysis should be performed on every step of the way, i.e. each iteration of the draft;* pessimistic: all possible threat models, notably all sort of compromise should be[…] -
Thwarting covert adversaries in FHE pipelines
Speaker : Sylvain Chatel (EPFL)
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables computations to be executed directly on encrypted data without decryption, thus it is becoming an auspicious solution to protect the confidentiality of sensitive data without impeding its usability for the purpose of analytics. While many practical systems rely on FHE to achieve strong privacy guarantees, their constructions only consider an honest-but[…]