599 results
Formal security proofs in a post-quantum world
Speaker : Charlie Jacomme (CISPA)
In the recent years, formals methods for security and their associated tools have been used successfully both to find novel and complex attacks on many protocols [A] and to help in their standardization process. They however face a new challenge with the increasing probability of quantum computers coming into the real-world: we need to be able to provide guarantees against quantum attackers.In[…] -
A Concrete Treatment of Efficient Continuous Group Key Agreement via Multi-Recipient PKEs
Speaker : Thomas Prest - PQShield
Continuous group key agreements (CGKAs) are a class of protocols that can provide strong security guarantees to secure group messaging protocols such as Signal and MLS. Protection against device compromise is provided by commit messages: at a regular rate, each group member may refresh their key material by uploading a commit message, which is then downloaded and processed by all the other members[…] -
Workshop mise en oeuvre de la cryptographie post-quantique
Speaker : European CyberWeek - Rennes
L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire, en particulier pour des raisons de jauges. Le nombre de places est limité. Le programme est disponible à l'adresse <a href="https://www.european-cyber-week.eu/cryptographie-post-quantique">https://www.european-cyber-week.eu/cryptographie-post-quantique</a><br/&gt; -
Soutenance de thèse: Theoretical Hardness of Algebraically Structured Learning With Errors
Speaker : Katharina Boudgoust - Rennes
The main focus of this PhD thesis lies on the computational problem Learning With Errors (LWE). It is a core building block of lattice-based cryptography, which itself is among the most promising candidates to replace current cryptographic protocols once large-scale quantum computers may be available. The contributions of the present work are separated into two different parts. First, we study the[…] -
Towards Security-Oriented Program analysis
Speaker : Sébastien Bardin (CEA LIST)
While digital security concerns increase, we face both a urging demand for more and more code-level security analysis and a shortage of security experts. Hence the need for techniques and tools able to automate part of these code-level security analyses. As source-level program analysis and formal methods for safety-critical applications have made tremendous progress in the past decades, it is[…] -
Decoding Supercodes of Gabidulin Codes and Applications to Cryptanalysis
Speaker : Maxime Bombar - Ecole Polytechnique
Error correcting codes are well known to provide possible candidates for building quantum safe cryptographic primitives. Besides the Hamming metric which has a long-standing history, one may consider other metrics such as the rank metric. Gabidulin codes are the rank metric analogue of Reed-Solomon codes and can be efficiently decoded up to half the minimum distance. However, beyond this radius,[…]