Table of contents

  • This session has been presented June 30, 2017.


  • Speaker

    Thomas Ricosset - Thales Communications & Security, INP-ENSEEIHT

Dans cette présentation je décrirai le schéma de signature Falcon, pour "FAst Fourier Lattice-based COmpact signatures over NTRU", basé sur le schéma de signature hash-and-sign de Gentry, Peikert et Vaikuntanathan. Je présenterai les outils et techniques permettant à Falcon d'offrir aujourd'hui, à faibles coûts, les signatures les plus compactes sur les réseaux euclidiens : une version randomisée de l'algorithme fast Fourier nearest plane de Ducas et Prest, un meilleur choix de bases NTRU et l'utilisation de la Rényi divergence. Finalement je discuterai du choix de la méthode d'échantillonnage sur les entiers et des différents problèmes toujours ouverts quant à la conception de ce schéma.

Next sessions

  • Efficient zero-knowledge proofs and arguments in the CL framework

    • March 07, 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • IRMAR - Université de Rennes - Campus Beaulieu Bat. 22, RDC, Rennes - Amphi Lebesgue

    Speaker : Agathe Beaugrand - Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux

    The CL encryption scheme, proposed in 2015 by Castagnos and Laguillaumie, is a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme, based on class groups of imaginary quadratic fields. The specificity of these groups is that their order is hard to compute, which means it can be considered unknown. This particularity, while being key in the security of the scheme, brings technical challenges in working with CL,[…]
  • Constant-time lattice reduction for SQIsign

    • March 14, 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • IRMAR - Université de Rennes - Campus Beaulieu Bat. 22, RDC, Rennes - Amphi Lebesgue

    Speaker : Sina Schaeffler - IBM Research

    SQIsign is an isogeny-based signature scheme which has recently advanced to round 2 of NIST's call for additional post-quantum signatures. A central operation in SQIsign is lattice reduction of special full-rank lattices in dimension 4. As these input lattices are secret, this computation must be protected against side-channel attacks. However, known lattice reduction algorithms like the famous[…]
  • Circuit optimisation problems in the context of homomorphic encryption

    • March 21, 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • IRMAR - Université de Rennes - Campus Beaulieu Bat. 22, RDC, Rennes - Amphi Lebesgue

    Speaker : Sergiu Carpov - Arcium

    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is an encryption scheme that enables the direct execution of arbitrary computations on encrypted data. The first generation of FHE schemes began with Gentry's groundbreaking work in 2019. It relies on a technique called bootstrapping, which reduces noise in FHE ciphertexts. This construction theoretically enables the execution of any arithmetic circuit, but[…]
  • TBD

    • March 28, 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • Salle Guernesey, ISTIC

    Speaker : Maria Corte-Real Santos - ENS Lyon

    • Cryptography

  • Journées C2

    • April 04, 2025 (00:00 - 18:00)

    • Pornichet

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