Division polynomials express multiples of *affine* points on Weierstrass elliptic curves over fields. The restriction to affine points becomes an issue with elliptic curves over arbitrary rings, where it may happen that there are multiple 'points at infinity'. We will explain how a modification of the classical division polynomials describes multiplication on all points of Weierstrass elliptic curves over arbitrary rings.
Next sessions
Polytopes in the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts Paradigm
Speaker : Hugo Beguinet - ENS Paris / Thales
The Fiat-Shamir with Aborts paradigm (FSwA) uses rejection sampling to remove a secret’s dependency on a given source distribution. Recent results revealed that unlike the uniform distribution in the hypercube, both the continuous Gaussian and the uniform distribution within the hypersphere minimise the rejection rate and the size of the proof of knowledge. However, in practice both these[…]-
Asymmetric primitive
Mode and protocol
Post-quantum Group-based Cryptography
Speaker : Delaram Kahrobaei - The City University of New York