620 résultats

  • Efficient zero-knowledge proofs and arguments in the CL framework

    • 07 mars 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • IRMAR - Université de Rennes - Campus Beaulieu Bat. 22, RDC, Rennes - Amphi Lebesgue

    Orateur : Agathe Beaugrand - Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux

    The CL encryption scheme, proposed in 2015 by Castagnos and Laguillaumie, is a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme, based on class groups of imaginary quadratic fields. The specificity of these groups is that their order is hard to compute, which means it can be considered unknown. This particularity, while being key in the security of the scheme, brings technical challenges in working with CL,[…]
  • Measurement the thermal component of clock jitter used as entropy source by TRNGs

    • 28 février 2025 (11:00 - 12:00)

    • Inria Center of the University of Rennes - - IRISA - Salle Aurigny (D165)

    Orateur : Arturo GARAY - STMicroelectronics

    Introduction Measuring the thermal component of clock jitter as an entropy source for True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) is compulsory for the security and evaluation of clock-jitter based TRNGs. However, identifying and isolating the local thermal noise component from other noise sources, particularly flicker noise, while performing a precise measurement remains a challenge. Current[…]
    • SemSecuElec

    • TRNG

  • Covert Communication Channels Based On Hardware Trojans: Open-Source Dataset and AI-Based Detection

    • 28 février 2025 (10:00 - 11:00)

    • Inria Center of the University of Rennes - - IRISA - Salle Aurigny (D165)

    Orateur : Alan Díaz Rizo - Sorbonne Université Lip6

    The threat of Hardware Trojan-based Covert Channels (HT-CCs) presents a significant challenge to the security of wireless communications. In this work, we generate in hardware and make open-source a dataset for various HT-CC scenarios. The dataset represents transmissions from a HT-infected RF transceiver hiding a CC that leaks information. It encompasses a wide range of signal impairments, noise[…]
    • SemSecuElec

    • Machine learning

    • Hardware trojan

  • Pairing-Free Blind Signatures from Standard Assumptions in the ROM

    • 14 février 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • Salle Guernesey, ISTIC

    Orateur : Ky Nguyen - ENS

    Blind Signatures are a useful primitive for privacy preserving applications such as electronic payments, e-voting, anonymous credentials, and more. However, existing practical blind signature schemes based on standard assumptions require either pairings or lattices. We present the first practical construction of a round-optimal blind signature in the random oracle model based on standard[…]
    • Cryptography

  • Cryptanalyse différentielle de chiffrements conjugués.

    • 07 février 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • Salle Guernesey à l'ISTIC

    Orateur : Jules Baudrin - UC Louvain

    En cryptographie symétrique, le choix d'une (ou de plusieurs) représentation appropriée est un point crucial à la fois dans la recherche d'attaques et dans la conception de nouvelles primitives.  En effet, les transformations mises en oeuvre sont souvent représentées commes des ensembles de polynômes univariés ou multivariés et cette pluralité de points de vue est très féconde. Par exemple, l'AES[…]
  • Euclidean lattice and PMNS: arithmetic, redundancy and equality test

    • 31 janvier 2025 (13:45 - 14:45)

    • IRMAR - Université de Rennes - Campus Beaulieu Bat. 22, RDC, Rennes - Amphi Lebesgue

    Orateur : Fangan Yssouf Dosso - Laboratoire SAS, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne

    The Polynomial Modular Number System (PMNS) is an integer number system that aims to speed up arithmetic operations modulo a prime number p. This system is defined by a tuple (p, n, g, r, E), where p, n, g and r are positive integers, and E is a polynomial with integer coefficients, having g as a root modulo p. Arithmetic operations in PMNS rely heavily on Euclidean lattices. Modular reduction in[…]