599 résultats
Serre-Tate theory and converging AGM-sequences
Orateur : Robert Carls - University of Leiden
Let A be an abelian variety over a finite field. Liftable endomorphisms of A act on the deformation space. In the ordinary case there's a canonical way of lifting Frobenius. We will show, that the action of Frobenius has a unique fixpoint, the canonical lift. A proof will be given in terms of Barsotti-Tate groups using the Serre-Tate theorem. Drinfeld's proof of this theorem will be[…] -
Research on Cryptographic Algorithms: beyond triple-DES, AES and RSA
Orateur : Bart Preneel - University of Leuven
In this talk we discuss the state of the art and progress in cryptographic algorithms such as encryption algorithms and digital signature techniques. We present at a high level the challenges to the designers (and users) of cryptographic algorithms and we discuss the major components of the solution, that is, research, standardization, and open evaluation. We also discuss the status of the NESSIE[…] -
BCH codes and algebraic curves
Orateur : Gerard van der Geer - University of Amsterdam
In this talk we consider various relations between BCH codes and algebraic geometry, especially algebraic curves and show how it can be used to gain information about such codes. -
Cryptographie à clef publique et théorie des groupes
Orateur : Dimitry Grigoryev - IRMAR
Un cryptoschéma reposant sur des invariants de représentation des groupes est proposé. En outre, on construit un cryptoschéma homomorphe qui en particulier, permet de simuler n'importe quel calcul (ou bien un circuit booléen) de façon secrète. -
Extensions of Kedlaya's algorithm
Orateur : Frederik Vercauteren - Bristol University
Kedlaya described an algorithm for computing the zeta function of a hyperelliptic curve in characteristic p > 2 using the theory of Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology. Joint work with Jan Denef has resulted in 2 extensions of Kedlaya's original algorithm: the first extension can be used to compute the zeta function of a hyperelliptic curve in characteristic 2 and the second leads to a rather[…] -
Algorithmes pour la théorie de Galois des corps de nombres et leur mise en oeuvre dans PARI/GP
Orateur : Bill Allombert - INRIA
On présentera les techniques algorithmiques générales mises en oeuvre pour l'étude algorithmique des extensions Galoisiennes du corps des rationnels.<br/> Les problèmes étudiés concernent le calcul des automorphismes galoisiens, le calcul du groupe abstrait sous-jacent, le calcul des sous-corps par correspondance de Galois et le calcul de la factorisation intermediaire du polynôme[…]