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643 résultats
Cherifying Linux: A Practical View on using CHERI
Orateur : Kui Wang - Huawei
The CHERI ISA extension enables modern RISC CPU architectures such as RISC-V to enforce memory safety in C/C++ programs. Recent academic works use CHERI for point solutions like constructing enclaves, verifying C programs, or hardening bytecode interpreters, but since the original construction of the CHERI-BSD OS - a FreeBSD port leveraging CHERI capabilities, by Cambridge University - little has[…]-
Operating system and virtualization
A Universal Composability analysis of Android Protected Confirmation
Orateur : Maïwenn Racouchot - CISPA
As phones are used for more and more sensitive operations (such as bank transfers for example), there is a great necessity to design and deploy protocols that can ensure the security of such transactions, even in cases when the phone has been compromised. In order to accomplish that, Android in collaboration with Google have worked on a protocol called Android Protected Confirmation. The idea[…]-
Formal methods
Updatable Encryption from Group Actions
Orateur : Maxime Romeas - ANSSI
Updatable Encryption is a variant of symmetric encryption that allows to rotate the encryption key in the outsourced storage setting while minimizing the bandwith used. Indeed, any third party can update ciphertexts to the new key using a token provided by the key holder. UE schemes aim at providing strong confidentiality guarantees against adversaries that can corrupt keys and tokens. In this[…] -
Approches humanitaires du risque numérique : accidents de sécurité et impératif de protection
Orateur : Laetitia Della Torre - Université de technologie de Compiègne
Les ONG clament qu’elles ne sont pas des cibles (« not a target »), et plaident pour un arrêt des enlèvements d’humanitaires et des bombardements d’hôpitaux. Ajoutons que ce slogan est maintenant décliné dans une version « modernisée » : les ONG ne sont pas des cibles numériques (« not a digital target »). Ce slogan constitue un appel à stopper les cyberopérations contre les ONG, qui sont[…]-
Risk management
Séminaire C2
11h30 Katharina Boudgoust (CR CNRS, LIRMM) : The Power of NAPs: Compressing OR-Proofs via Collision-Resistant HashingProofs of partial knowledge allow for proving the validity of t out of n different statements without revealing which ones those are. In this presentation, we describe a new approach for transforming certain proofs system into new ones that allows for proving partial knowledge. The[…] -