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Séminaire C2
11h30 Katharina Boudgoust (CR CNRS, LIRMM) : The Power of NAPs: Compressing OR-Proofs via Collision-Resistant HashingProofs of partial knowledge allow for proving the validity of t out of n different statements without revealing which ones those are. In this presentation, we describe a new approach for transforming certain proofs system into new ones that allows for proving partial knowledge. The[…] -
Updatable Encryption from Group Actions
Orateur : Maxime Romeas - ANSSI
Updatable Encryption is a variant of symmetric encryption that allows to rotate the encryption key in the outsourced storage setting while minimizing the bandwith used. Indeed, any third party can update ciphertexts to the new key using a token provided by the key holder. UE schemes aim at providing strong confidentiality guarantees against adversaries that can corrupt keys and tokens. In this[…] -
Euclidean lattice and PMNS: arithmetic, redundancy and equality test
Orateur : Fangan Yssouf Dosso - Laboratoire SAS, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
The Polynomial Modular Number System (PMNS) is an integer number system that aims to speed up arithmetic operations modulo a prime number p. This system is defined by a tuple (p, n, g, r, E), where p, n, g and r are positive integers, and E is a polynomial with integer coefficients, having g as a root modulo p. Arithmetic operations in PMNS rely heavily on Euclidean lattices. Modular reduction in[…]
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Presentation du séminaire
Scientists welcome the renewed interest and original insight that cryptography brings to their disciplines, as well as the intellectual challenges posed to them.
Multidisciplinary par excellence, cryptography constitutes a point of contact between number theory, algebraic geometry, algorithms and computer science. It brings whole sections of the most fundamental mathematics into contact with applications of great practical importance.
Leader :
- Sylvain Duquesne ( University of Rennes) (leader)
Board :
- Gwezenheg Robert (DGA)
- André Schrottenloher (INRIA)
- Sylvain Duquesne (IRMAR)
- Aurore Guillevic (IRISA)
- Antonin Leroux (DGA-MI & IRMAR)
- Pierre Loidreau (DGA-MI & IRMAR)
- David Lubicz (DGA-MI & IRMAR)
- Damien Marion (IRISA)
- Jade Nardi (IRMAR)
- Tuong-Huy Nguyen (DGA-MI & IRISA)
- Gwezenheg Robert (DGA-MI & IRMAR)
- André Schrottenloher (IRISA)
- YiXin Shen (IRISA)
- The General Directorate of Armament (DGA) : state body responsible for the development of cryptographic algorithms, which depends on the the Ministry of the Armed Forces.
- Rennes Mathematical Research Institute (IRMAR) : mathematics research laboratory associating the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the University of Rennes, the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rennes (INSA Rennes) and the University of Rennes 2.
- Institute for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems (IRISA): computer science research laboratory in Rennes.
DGA, IRISA and IRMAR wish, by organizing this cooperative seminar, to crystallize the interest of different actors in the Rennes region around cryptography and, beyond current fashion, to encourage fruitful and scientific collaboration. quality.