

Les 4 grands thèmes abordés au séminaire SOSYSEC

  • TG1 : Sécurité de l'IA, privacy, cybersécurité et société.
  • TG2 : Méthodes formelles, preuve de protocoles, sécurité des protocoles, contrôle d'accès, politiques de sécurité.
  • TG3 : Sécurité des OS, virtualisation, sécurité des BD, sécurité des systèmes distribués, sécurité des langages, sécurité réseau.
  • TG4 : Analyse de vulnérabilités, analyse de binaire, attaques logicielles sur le matériel et leurs contre-mesures, obfuscation, forensic, détection d'intrusion et supervision, malware mitigation.

Inscription obligatoire  à chaque exposé au moins 48heures à l'avance  pour tous les participants en présentiel.

Présentation du séminaire

  • Information systems and networks have become indispensable aids in our everyday lives. In addition to highly visible uses as mobile phones or personal computers, it is worth mentioning applications more subtle but equally important for economic activity such as cloud computing, industrial control systems, electrical networks. In fact, our society nurtures a growing dependence towards information systems which makes economic and sovereignty issues related to security increasingly important.

    At the same time, due to their increasing complexity, their ubiquity, and multiplicity of risks associated with malicious or fraudulent use, ensuring an acceptable level of security seems close to impossible. Many questions related to the control of the security of softwares and information systems are thus at the origin of an intense scientific activity. We can cite for example intrusion detection, vulnerability research, proof of protocols, static analysis, virtualization…

    From the interaction of all these themes, emerges a deep scientific domain that forms a point of contact between fundamental research and applications with a strong economic potential. Rennes metropolitan area is home to many talents in this field of research, both in academia and industry. This seminar aims to become a natural platform to gather, stimulate and promote Rennes security research and development community by confronting it to the best achievements of international research.

  • Le comité de programme est en charge de l'organisation et de la programmation scientifique du séminaire.

    • Tristan Allard (Université de Rennes)
    • Guillaume Doyen (IMT Atlantique)
    • Teddy Furon (Inria)
    • Guillaume Hiet (CentraleSupélec)
    • Joseph Lallemand (CNRS)
    • David Lubicz (DGA-MI)
    • Louis Rilling (DGA-MI)
    • Mohamed Sabt (Université de Rennes)
    • Sandrine Turgis (Université de Rennes)


Infos pratiques

Prochains exposés

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    • 17 janvier 2025 (11:00 - 12:00)

    • Inria Center of the University of Rennes - - Petri/Turing room

    Orateur : Maïwenn Racouchot - CISPA

    As phones are used for more and more sensitive operations (such as bank transfers for example), there is a great necessity to design and deploy protocols that can ensure the security of such transactions, even in cases when the phone has been compromised. In order to accomplish that, Android in collaboration with Google have worked on a protocol called Android Protected Confirmation. The idea[…]
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    • 31 janvier 2025 (11:00 - 12:00)

    • Centre Inria de l'Université de Rennes - - salle Aurigny

    Orateur : Kui Wang - Huawei

    The CHERI ISA extension enables modern RISC CPU architectures such as RISC-V to enforce memory safety in C/C++ programs. Recent academic works use CHERI for point solutions like constructing enclaves, verifying C programs, or hardening bytecode interpreters, but since the original construction of the CHERI-BSD OS - a FreeBSD port leveraging CHERI capabilities, by Cambridge University - little has[…]
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