
  • Cet exposé a été présenté le 18 octobre 2024 (13:45 - 14:45).


  • Orateur

    Henry Bambury - ENS Paris

Lattice-based cryptography typically uses lattices with special properties to improve efficiency. 

We show how blockwise reduction can exploit lattices with special geometric properties, effectively reducing the required blocksize to solve the shortest vector problem to half of the lattice's rank, and in the case of the hypercubic lattice , further relaxing the approximation factor of blocks to . 

We study both provable algorithms and the heuristic well-known primal attack, in the case where the lattice has a first minimum that is almost as short as that of the hypercubic lattice . Remarkably, these near-hypercubic lattices cover Falcon and most concrete instances of the NTRU cryptosystem: this is the first provable result showing that breaking NTRU lattices can be reduced to finding shortest lattice vectors in halved dimension, thereby providing a positive response to a conjecture of Gama, Howgrave-Graham and Nguyen at Eurocrypt 2006.

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