511 results
Workshop mise en oeuvre de la cryptographie post-quantique
Speaker : European CyberWeek - Rennes
L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire, en particulier pour des raisons de jauges. Le nombre de places est limité. Le programme est disponible à l'adresse <a href="https://www.european-cyber-week.eu/cryptographie-post-quantique">https://www.european-cyber-week.eu/cryptographie-post-quantique</a><br/&gt; -
Soutenance de thèse: Theoretical Hardness of Algebraically Structured Learning With Errors
Speaker : Katharina Boudgoust - Rennes
The main focus of this PhD thesis lies on the computational problem Learning With Errors (LWE). It is a core building block of lattice-based cryptography, which itself is among the most promising candidates to replace current cryptographic protocols once large-scale quantum computers may be available. The contributions of the present work are separated into two different parts. First, we study the[…] -
Decoding Supercodes of Gabidulin Codes and Applications to Cryptanalysis
Speaker : Maxime Bombar - Ecole Polytechnique
Error correcting codes are well known to provide possible candidates for building quantum safe cryptographic primitives. Besides the Hamming metric which has a long-standing history, one may consider other metrics such as the rank metric. Gabidulin codes are the rank metric analogue of Reed-Solomon codes and can be efficiently decoded up to half the minimum distance. However, beyond this radius,[…] -
Speaker : Séminaire C2 - Paris
On the hardness of the NTRU problem
Speaker : Alice Pellet-Mary - CNRS, Institut Mathématiques de Bordeaux
The NTRU problem is an algorithmic problem over structured lattices that was introduced by Hoffstein, Pipher, and Silverman more than 20 years ago, and which has been used to construct various cryptographic primitives. However, its relation to other lattice problems is still not well understood.<br/> In this talk, we will describe different variants of the NTRU problem, and study how they[…] -
Key recovery from partial information
Speaker : Gabrielle De Michelli - UC San Diego
The security of deployed protocols not only relies on the hardness of the underlying mathematical problem but also on the implementation of the algorithms involved. Many fast modular exponentiation algorithms have piled up over the years and some implementations have brought vulnerabilities that are exploitable by side-channel attacks, in particular cache attacks.<br/> In this talk, we[…]