53 results
Squirrel: a new approach to computer-assisted proofs of protocols in the computational model.
Speaker : David Baelde (ENS Cachan)
Formal methods have brought several approaches for proving that security protocols ensure the expected security and privacy properties. Most of the resulting tools analyze protocols in symbolic models, aka. Dolev-Yao-style models. Security in the symbolic model does not imply security in the cryptographer’s standard model, the computational model, where attackers are arbitrary (PPTIME) Turing[…] -
Les cyberopérations: entre technique et droit international. Attribution, preuve et responsabilité.
Speaker : Anne-Thida Norodom (Professeur de droit public, Université de Paris)
L’objet de cette intervention est de montrer à quel point le juridique est dépendant du technique lorsqu’il s’agit de réguler les cyberopérations. L’approche choisie sera celle du droit international public, c’est-à-dire du droit applicable entre Etats. Alors qu’il existe un consensus au niveau international sur l’applicabilité du droit international dans le domaine numérique, les négociations en[…] -
Does Facebook use sensitive data for advertising?
Speaker : José González Cabañas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
Large online platforms use personal data, for example, your interests, to allow advertisers to reach you based on the things you like. But did you know some of these interests they use are associated with sensitive information directly linked to your social profile? In this talk, I will talk about the definition of sensitive data in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe (GDPR).[…] -
A formal study of injection-based attacks and some tools it will enable
Speaker : Pierre-François Gimenez (Inria Rennes, CentraleSupélec)
Many systems work by receiving instructions and processing them: e.g., a browser receives and then displays an HTML page and executes Javascript scripts, a database receives a query and then applies it to its data, an embedded system controlled through a protocol receives and then processes a message. When such instructions depend on user input, one generally constructs them with concatenation or[…] -
Canadian and Québec approaches to contact tracing
Speaker : Sébastien Gambs (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Contact tracing applications have been deployed in many countries as a complementary measure to fight Covid-19 by enabling to automatically notify individuals who have been in contact with infected persons. However, the choice of the design of a particular application is not innocent as it has a direct impact on its security as well as on the privacy of its user. In this talk, I will review the[…] -
The PINED-RQ Family: Differentially Private Indexes for Range Query Processing in Clouds
Speaker : Tristan Allard (IRISA, Université de Rennes 1)
Performing non- aggregate range queries on cloud stored data, while achieving both privacy and efficiency is a challenging problem. With the PINED-RQ family of techniques, we propose constructing a differentially private index to an outsourced encrypted dataset. Efficiency is enabled by using a cleartext index structure to perform range queries. Security relies on both differential privacy (of the[…]