599 results
Supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman
Speaker : Leonardo Colo - Univesité Aix-Marseille
Supersingular isogeny graphs have been used in the Charles–Goren–Lauter cryptographic hash function and the supersingular isogeny Diffie–Hellman (SIDH) protocole of De\,Feo and Jao. A recently proposed alternative to SIDH is the commutative supersingular isogeny Diffie–Hellman (CSIDH) protocole, in which the isogeny graph is first restricted to $\FF_p$-rational curves $E$ and $\FF_p$-rational[…] -
Lossy trapdoor primitives, zero-knowledge proofs and applications
Speaker : Chen Qian - soutenance de thèse salle Métivier à l'IRISA, 14h
In this thesis, we study two differentprimitives. Lossy trapdoor functions and zero-knwoledge proof systems.The lossy trapdoor functions (LTFs) arefunction families in which injective functionsand lossy ones are computationally indistin-guishable. Since their introduction, they havebeen found useful in constructing various cryp-tographic primitives. We give in this thesisefficient constructions of[…] -
Cryptanalyse algébrique de DAGS
Speaker : Magali Bardet - université de Rouen
Elise Barelli et Alain Couvreur ont présenté une attaque dévastatrice sur le cryptosystème DAGS soumis au 1er tour de la compétition du NIST autour d'algorithmes de cryptographie post-quantiques. Je présenterai une explication précise de la résolution par bases de Gröbner de leur modélisation algébrique, expliquant l'efficacité de l'attaque pour les paramètres de DAGS publiés au[…] -
Unifying Leakage Models on a Renyi Day
Speaker : Thomas Prest - PqShield
In the last decade, several works have focused on finding the best way to model circuit leakage in order to obtain provably secure implementations. One of the most realistic models is the noisy leakage model, introduced in (Prouff, Rivain'13) and (Duc-Dziembowski-Faust'14) together with secure constructions. These works suffer from various limitations, in particular the use of ideal leak[…] -
Cocks-Pinch curves of embedding degree five to eight and optimal ate pairing computation
Speaker : Simon Masson - Loria, Nancy
Recent algorithmic improvements of discrete logarithm computation in special extension fields threaten the security of pairing-friendly curves used in practice. A possible answer to this delicate situation is to propose alternative curves that are immune to these attacks, without compromising the efficiency of the pairing computation too much. We follow this direction, and focus on embedding[…] -
Laser-Based Attacks Against FPGA Bitstream Encryption
Speaker : Heiko Lohrke
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) use encryption to protect the configuration data or “bitstream” containing the design to be run on the device. This encryption aims at protecting the intellectual property and other secrets contained in the bitstream and preventing e.g. cloning or tampering with an FPGA implementation.This talk will demonstrate how attackers can use failure analysis equipment[…]