619 results
La protection des flux en télévision numérique
Speaker : Eric Desmicht (DGA)
En télévision numérique, des flux numériques comportant de la vidéo sont mis à la disposition des utilisateurs via différents média (cable, satellite, TNT, IP…) et différentes techniques (broadcast, multicast, unicast, support numérique…). Pour garantir les revenus des opérateurs de télévision à péage proposant des contenus à forte valeur ajoutée, il est essentiel que seuls les consommateurs ayant[…] -
Tunnels sécurisés pour environnements contraints
Speaker : Loic Ferreira - soutenance de thèse salle Métivier à l'IRISA, 14h30
Avec l’extension de l’Internet des Objets et l’usage croissant de terminaux à bas coût, de nombreux protocoles de sécurité sont déployés à grande échelle. Cette thèse étudie le champ des protocoles d’échange de clé authentifié basés sur des fonctions cryptographiques symétriques. Nous montrons que les protocoles existants n’atteignent pas un niveau de sécurité correspondant à l’état de l’art en[…] -
One Fault Can Go A Long Way
Speaker : Shivam Bhasin
*Abstract:* Fault attacks are considered among critical threat to embedded cryptography. This talk will be divided into in two parts. The first part of the talk will explore application of faults on advanced security primitives. We present persistent fault analysis introduced at CHES 2017 and its capability to bypass state of the art fault countermeasures as well as higher-order masking with one[…] -
Cryptography based on rank metric codes
Speaker : Nicolas Aragon - Université de Limoges, exceptionnellement salle Jersey à l'ISTIC
In the past few years, the interest for rank metric based cryptography has drastically increased, especially since the beginning of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process : five rank metric based proposals were submitted to the first round. This talk will present the different approaches and tradeoffs for building Key Encapsulation Mechanisms and Public Key Encryption schemes[…] -
Post-quantum cryptography based on supersingular isogeny problems?
Speaker : Christophe Petit - University of Birmingham
The security of many cryptographic protocols in use today relies on the computational hardness of mathematical problems such as integer factorization. These problems can be solved using quantum computers, and therefore most of our security infrastructures will become completely insecure once quantum computers are built. Post-quantum cryptography aims at developing security protocols that will[…] -
Subject Access Request and Proof of Ownership
Speaker : Cédric Lauradoux (INRIA Rhône-Alpes)
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) provides rights on our data: access, rectification, objection, etc. However, this regulation is not binding on how we can exercise these rights. Data controllers have therefore deployed various methods to authenticate subject requests. We have analyzed how this authentication process can fail and examined its consequences. Our study shows that a key[…]