599 results
Binary Edwards Curves for intrinsically secure ECC implementations for the IoT
Speaker : Antoine Loiseau (CEA)
Even if recent advances in public key cryptography tend to focus on algorithms able to survive the post quantum era, at present, there is a urgent need to propose fast, low power and securely implemented cryptography to address the immediate security challenges of the IoT. In this talk, we present a new set of Binary Edwards Curves which have been defined to achieve the highest security levels (up[…] -
How to decrypt without keys with GlobalPlatform SCP02 protocol
Speaker : par Loic Ferreira (Orange Labs, IRISA)
The GlobalPlatform SCP02 protocol is a security protocol implemented in smart cards, and used by transport companies, in the banking world and by mobile network operators (UICC/SIM cards). We describe how to perform a padding oracle attack against SCP02. The attack allows an adversary to efficiently retrieve plaintext bytes from an encrypted data field. We provide results of our experiments done[…] -
HardBlare, a hardware/software co-design approach for Information Flow Control
Speaker : Guillaume Hiet – Pascal Cotret
One way to increase the security level of computer systems is to rely on both software and hardware mechanisms. In this context, the HardBlare project proposes a software hardware co-design methodology to ensure that security properties are preserved all along the execution of the system but also during file storage. The HardBlare project is a multidisciplinary project between CentraleSupélec IETR[…] -
Security of Hardware/Software Interfaces : Research Chair of the Cybersecurity Research Cluster
Speaker : Guillaume Hiet
We proposed to host a thematic semester on attacks based on the interaction between software and hardware. The goal would be to host one workshop, one summer school for young researchers, as well as multiple seminars and longer stays for researchers, spanning September 2019 to March or April 2020. This thematic semester will be funded by the DGA in the context of the Cybersecurity Research Cluster[…] -
A theory of assertions for Dolev-Yao models
Speaker : Vaishnavi Sundararajan (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
We undertake an abstract study of certification in security protocols, concentrating on the logical properties and derivability of certificates. Specifically, we extend the Dolev-Yao model with a new class of objects called ‘assertions’, along with an associated algebra for deriving new assertions from old ones. We obtain complexity results for the derivability problem and active intruder problem[…] -
Cryptographie légère intrinsèquement résistante aux attaques physiques pour l’Internet des Objets
Speaker : Benjamin Lac
Avec des applications telles que les smart phones , compteurs intelligents, capteurs et autres systèmes industriels de type SCADA, le nombre d objets connectés à Internet atteindrait les 20 milliards d ici 2020. Les contraintes de taille, coût et consommation ainsi que les problématiques de sécurité liées au déploiement de ces objets à si grande échelle ont mené à la conception de systèmes de[…]