53 résultats
Security and privacy in personal data management systems
Orateur : Nicolas Anciaux (INRIA)
Personal Data Management Systems (called PDMS) provide individuals with a hardware and/or software solution to manage their data under control. From a data management and security/privacy perspective, the issues involved are complex and differ significantly from the traditional database setting. The emergence of trusted execution environments (such as Intel SGX) could be a game changer. This[…] -
Browser fingerprinting: past, present and possible future
Orateur : Pierre Laperdrix (CRIStAL)
Browser fingerprinting has grown a lot since its debut in 2010. By collecting specific information in the browser, one can learn a lot about a device and its configuration. It has been shown in previous studies that it can even be used to track users online, bypassing current tracking methods like cookies. In this presentation, we will look at how this technique works and present an overview of[…] -
Ransomware Detection Using Markov Chain Models Over File Headers
Orateur : David Lubicz (DGA-MI)
In this paper, a new approach for the detection of ransomware based on the runtime analysis of their behaviour is presented. The main idea is to get samples by using a mini-filter to intercept write requests, then decide if a sample corresponds to a benign or a malicious write request. To do so, in a learning phase, statistical models of structured file headers are built using Markov chains. Then[…] -
Formal security proofs in a post-quantum world
Orateur : Charlie Jacomme (CISPA)
In the recent years, formals methods for security and their associated tools have been used successfully both to find novel and complex attacks on many protocols [A] and to help in their standardization process. They however face a new challenge with the increasing probability of quantum computers coming into the real-world: we need to be able to provide guarantees against quantum attackers.In[…] -
Towards Security-Oriented Program analysis
Orateur : Sébastien Bardin (CEA LIST)
While digital security concerns increase, we face both a urging demand for more and more code-level security analysis and a shortage of security experts. Hence the need for techniques and tools able to automate part of these code-level security analyses. As source-level program analysis and formal methods for safety-critical applications have made tremendous progress in the past decades, it is[…] -
Les cyber opérations, entre opportunités stratégiques et contraintes opérationnelles
Orateur : Stéphane Taillat (Académie Militaire de Saint Cyr-Coëtquidan)
Le recours aux opérations numériques et au cyberespace s’est généralisé dans la gestion des crises et des conflits internationaux. Pour autant, aucune des cyber opérations étatiques ou prêtées à des États n’ont débouché sur des conflits armés ou sur une escalade significative des tensions. A ce titre, cette conférence cherche à s’interroger sur l’utilité stratégique des opérations numériques et du[…]