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633 results
Post-quantum cryptography based on supersingular isogeny problems?
Speaker : Christophe Petit - University of Birmingham
The security of many cryptographic protocols in use today relies on the computational hardness of mathematical problems such as integer factorization. These problems can be solved using quantum computers, and therefore most of our security infrastructures will become completely insecure once quantum computers are built. Post-quantum cryptography aims at developing security protocols that will[…] -
Learning Strikes Again: the Case of the DRS Signature Scheme
Speaker : Yu Yang - CWI Amsterdam
Lattice signature schemes generally require particular care when it comes to preventing secret information from leaking through signature transcript. For example, the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi (GGH) signature scheme and the NTRUSign scheme were completely broken by the parallelepiped-learning attack of Nguyen and Regev (Eurocrypt 2006). Several heuristic countermeasures were also shown[…] -
Homomorphic Signatures on Randomizable Ciphertexts
Speaker : David Pointcheval - ENS
Anonymity is a primary ingredient for our digital life. Several tools have been designed to address it such as, for authentication, blind signatures, group signatures or anonymous credentials and, for confidentiality, randomizable encryption or mix-nets.<br/> When it comes to complex electronic voting schemes, random shuffling of ciphertexts with mix-nets is the only known tool. Such mix[…] -
Encryption Switching Protocols
Speaker : Geoffroy Couteau - ENS
(Joint work with Thomas Peters, and David Pointcheval) We put forth a novel cryptographic primitive: encryption switching protocol (ESP), allowing to switch between two encryption schemes. Intuitively, this two-party protocol converts given ciphertexts from one scheme into ciphertexts of the same messages in the other scheme, for any polynomial number of switches, in any direction. Although ESP is[…] -
Adaptive Oblivious Transfer with Access Control for NC1 from LWE
Speaker : Fabrice Mouhartem - Ens Lyon
Adaptive oblivious transfer (OT) is a protocol where a sender initially commits to a database M_1, …, M_N. Then, a receiver can query the sender up to k times with private indexes ρ_1, …, ρ_k so as to obtain M_{ρ_1}, …, M_{ρ_k} and nothing else. Moreover, for each i ∈ [k], the receiver’s choice ρ_i may depend on previously obtained messages {M_{ρ_j}}_{j< i} . Oblivious transfer with access[…] -
Soutenance de thèse (exceptionnellemnt lundi à 10h salle Métiviers à l'IRISA): Algorithmes de recherche sur bases de données chiffrées.
Speaker : Raphaël Bost - Université Rennes 1
La recherche sur les bases de données chiffrées vise à rendre e cace une tâche apparemment simple : déléguer le stockage de données à un serveur qui ne serait pas de con ance, tout en conservant des fonctionnalités de recherche. Avec le développement des services de stockage dans le Cloud, destinés aussi bien aux entreprises qu’aux individus, la mise au point de solutions e caces à ce problème est[…] -