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654 results
The generalized quaternion isogeny path problem.
Speaker : Antonin Leroux - LIX
The correspondence between maximal orders in a quaternion algebra and supersingular elliptic curves has uncovered new perspectives in the field of isogeny-based cryptography. The KLPT algorithm of Kohel et al. in 2014 introduces an algorithm solving the quaternion isogeny path problem in polynomial time. Studying this problem has applications both constructive and destructive. It has allowed to[…] -
Soutenance de thèse: Study and design of new encryption primitives based on rank metric error correcting codes
Speaker : Ba Duc Pham - Rennes
In 2005, Faure and Loidreau proposed a new rank-metric cryptosystem inspired from the Hamming metric scheme of Augot-Finiasz in 2003. In 2018, it was broken by the attack of Gaborit, Otmani and Kalachi. Recently, there are some attempts of repairing the Faure-Loidreau scheme, for example the work of Renner, Puchinger and Wachter–Zeh which is called LIGA. In this thesis, we also introduce a new[…] -
Lattice-based signatures: from construction to implementation
Speaker : Pauline Bert - soutenance de thèse, amphi P de l'ISTIC, 14h
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the major line of research to build post-quantum public key primitives. In this thesis, we discuss about digital signatures constructions and their implementation. We first describe a Fiat-Shamir transformation from an identification scheme using rejection sampling to a digital signature secure in the random oracle model. Then we describe an identity-based[…] -
Code-based postquantum cryptography : candidates to standardization
Speaker : Nicolas Sendrier - INRIA
At the third round of the NIST standardization process, three candidates remain with a security based on error correcting codes, all are key exchange mechanisms. We will explore them according to their security assumptions and properties. Among them, we find an historical scheme (Classic McEliece), as well as schemes using sparse and quasi-cyclic matrices (BIKE and HQC). We will examine pros and[…] -
Public Key Encryption with Flexible Pattern Matching
Speaker : Elie Bouscatié - Orange
Many interesting applications of pattern matching (e.g. deep-packet inspection or medical data analysis) target very sensitive data. In particular, spotting illegal behaviour in internet traffic conflicts with legitimate privacy requirements, which usually forces users to blindly trust an entity that fully decrypts their traffic in the name of security. The compromise between traffic analysis and[…] -
Cryptanalysis of code-based cryptosystems using the square-code distinguisher
Speaker : Mathieu Lequesne - INRIA
Many code-based cryptosystems have been proposed recently, especially in response to the call for post-quantum cryptography standardization issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technologie. Most code-based cryptosystem rely on the same idea: an error-correcting code with some special structural properties (including good error-correction capacity) serves as the private key. This code[…] -