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633 results
Calcul de bases de Gröbner d'idéaux invariants sous l'action
Speaker : Jules Svartz - LIP6
La résolution de systèmes polynomiaux présentant des symétries est un problème naturel qui apparaît dans plusieurs contextes applicatifs (cryptographie, robotique, biologie, physique, codes correcteurs d'erreurs...) Les algorithmes usuels de calcul de bases de Gröbner détruisent en général ces symétries. Lorsque toutes les équations du système polynomial sont individuellement invariantes sous[…] -
L1 a new quasi-linear LLL algorithm
Speaker : Andy Novocin - ENS Lyon
The LLL lattice reduction algorithm of 1982 has proven to be useful in a wide variety of fields. It can be used to approximately solve computationally difficult lattice-based problems, such as the shortest vector problem, in polynomial time. We present a new algorithm for lattice reduction which is the first algorithm to have a complexity bound which is both polynomial and quasi-linear bound in[…] -
Sélection polynomiale pour NFS
Speaker : Paul Zimmermann - LORIA
Le problème de la sélection polynomiale pour le crible algébrique consiste à trouver deux polynômes irréductibles f(x) et g(x) à coefficients entiers ayant une racine commune modulo le nombre N à factoriser. On décrira en détail l'algorithme proposé par Kleinjung en 2008, son implantation dans CADO-NFS, et on donnera des exemples de polynômes obtenus avec cet algorithme (RSA704, B200, RSA896)[…] -
Cracking Passwords with Time-memory Trade-offs
Speaker : Gildas Avoine - IRISA
Cryptanalytic time-memory trade-offs were introduced by Hellman in 1980 in order to perform key-recovery attacks on cryptosystems. A major advance was presented at Crypto 2003 by Oechslin, with the rainbow tables that outperform Hellman's seminal work. After introducing the cryptanalytic time-memory trade-offs, we will present in this talk a new variant of tables, known as fingerprint tables,[…] -
Towards Automatic Verification of Security Proofs for
Speaker : Marion Daubrignard - Verimag
Providing security proofs instead of arguing lack of existing relevant attacks is a quite new approach when it comes to cryptography. In the last thirty years, a lot of work has been done to formalize security of systems and prove of the achievement of security criteria. It has resulted in the design of a great number of proofs under various hypotheses. Though a step in the right direction, these[…] -
New LFSRs and FCSRs representations for stream ciphers hardware
Speaker : Marine Minier - Université de Lyon
In this talk, we will sum up our recent research results concerning the introduction of a new representation for FCSRs and for LFSRs. This matrix based representation allows to construct LFSRs and FCSRs with a more compact hardware representation and a quicker diffusion while preserving the usual and proven good properties (good periods, $\ell$-sequences, good statistical behaviors, etc.).[…] -