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634 résultats
Zero-Knowledge Argument for Matrix-Vector Relations and Lattice-Based Group Encryption
Orateur : Fabrice Mouhartem - ENS Lyon
Group encryption (GE) is the natural encryption analogue of group signatures in that it allows verifiably encrypting messages for some anonymous member of a group while providing evidence that the receiver is a properly certified group member. Should the need arise, an opening authority is capable of identifying the receiver of any ciphertext. As intro- duced by Kiayias, Tsiounis and Yung […] -
New candidate PRFs and their applications
Orateur : Alain Passelègue - Inria
In this talk, I will present new and simple candidate PRFs introduced in a recent work. In this work, we depart from the traditional approaches for building PRFs used in provable security or in applied cryptography by exploring a new space of plausible PRF candidates. Our guiding principle is to maximize simplicity while optimizing complexity measures that are relevant to advanced cryptographic[…] -
Tunnels sécurisés pour environnements contraints
Orateur : Loic Ferreira - soutenance de thèse salle Métivier à l'IRISA, 14h30
Avec l’extension de l’Internet des Objets et l’usage croissant de terminaux à bas coût, de nombreux protocoles de sécurité sont déployés à grande échelle. Cette thèse étudie le champ des protocoles d’échange de clé authentifié basés sur des fonctions cryptographiques symétriques. Nous montrons que les protocoles existants n’atteignent pas un niveau de sécurité correspondant à l’état de l’art en[…] -
Repairing the Faure-Loidreau Public-Key Cryptosystem
Orateur : julian renns - Teschnische Universität Munchen
A repair of the Faure–Loidreau (FL) public-key code-based cryptosystem is proposed. The FL cryptosystem is based on the hardness of list decoding Gabidulin codes which are special rank-metric codes. We prove that the recent structural attack on the system by Gaborit et al. is equivalent to decoding an interleaved Gabidulin code. Since all known polynomial-time decoders for these codes fail for a[…] -
Improved Veron Identification and Signature Schemes in the Rank Metric
Orateur : Florian Caullery - Darkmatter
Abstract—It is notably challenging to design an efficient and secure signature scheme based on error-correcting codes. An approach to build such signature schemes is to derive it from an identification protocol through the Fiat-Shamir transform.<br/> All such protocols based on codes must be run several rounds, since each run of the protocol allows a cheating probability of either 2/3 or 1/2[…] -
Towards Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge from CDH and LWE
Orateur : Geoffroy Couteau - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
We provide a generic construction of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) schemes. Our construction is a refinement of Dwork and Naor’s (FOCS 2000) implementation of the hidden bits model using verifiable pseudorandom generators (VPRGs). Our refinement simplifies their construction and relaxes the necessary assumptions considerably. As a result of this conceptual improvement, we obtain[…] -